Sudoku Solver
Shudu is a Sudoku solver. Enter a Sudoku puzzle and Shudu will solve it for you. You use the keyboard or the mouse to enter the puzzle. The name Shudu comes from the Mandarin pronunciation of the Japanese kanji characters for Sudoku.
Each ZIP file contains the executable and source code.-
- Speed improvements. Should solve all puzzles within a second now.
- Solvers
- Sudoku Programmers Forum
Dancing Links Algorithm
- Sudoku in Java, using Knuth's Dancing Links Method
- Dancing links Visualizer
- Dancing Sudoku
- Solving Sudoku with Knuth's DLX Algorithm (Google cache, original link missing)
- The Dancing Links Solution to standard 9x9 Sudoku Puzzles
- Adobe Open Source Dancing Links Implementation
- Donald Knuth's Lecture (he's the inventor of the Dancing Links algorithm)
- Code Project
- Free Puzzles